I found something cool on the net today...
Heat-sensitive wallpaper: The idea is to redesign the product so that it forces the user to change his/her appliance usage behaviour. In the article I have read, the author draws on his experience with Prius., which force the author to lock the door from outside and thus ensure that he doesn't forget the key inside. Now, the idea here is that the usage of heater near the wall will force the flowers on the wallpaper to "blossom" (yeah, that's right). Although this product may not change the behaviour of the user, but it can indicate that the heater is on during winter. I mean most of us probably forget to turn heater off every now and then. This product could be one of the tools which helps by reminding us.
no heat
with heater on
Power aware cord: This is a cool idea. Instead of covered electrical wire, we have a glow wire. The idea is to increase awareness of power electrical usage. Apparently, this product is commercially available in Europe now.
Energy saving adaptor: The aim is to reduce the power consumption from the equipment on "stand by" mode. The adaptor monitors the power usage through each socket. If it detects an appliance connected to one of its sockets on standby mode, then it will signal a warning to the user to switch off the appliance. If the warning is ignored, then after a certain amount of time, it will switch itself off. According to the designer, it was hope to change the behaviour of the user, while ensuring that the objective of saving energy is met regardless to the user response. However, I have a slight problem with this. I don't believe that this product will change user behaviour at all. The user will most likely get used to the fact that adaptor will automatically turn itself off regardless of the user action, and thus he/she will continue to behave as before. Never the less, it is a little neat idea for lazy people like me.
Ecoshower: My personal favourite. I always a shower that tells me how much I use the water. Normally, I try to have less than 4 minute shower, but depending on the day, I might turn the shower a bit more than other days and hence I use more water even though I am in the shower for the same time. Now, you can go even further and recycle water used during shower. This product is designed by Peter Brewin, a design student at the UK's Royal College of Arts.
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